(That's sarcasm - if you didn't know)
I have clinicals these next 2 weeks - on Mar. 6/7, and 13,14. It's pediatrics rotation at Denver health - i am sure it will be interesting.
Other exciting news - I have lost 3 - 3 1/2 inches off my hips, waist, bust, and 5 inches off my belly since last January (07). That makes me feel good - I still have a ways to go but it's something.
Hope everyone is doing well - more people should write on this.
Hi Kristi,
I agree that more people should write on the subject of hip, waist, and belly size. My waist, for example, is down to a size 34 -- I lost a ton of weight in Indonesia in December and managed to not put all of it back on since coming back to the States.
I used to alternate between the second and third notches in my belt (depending on how much I ate the previous night), but I've been solidly entrenched in the third notch since January. With the Spring/Summer coming on, I'm hoping to be more active now too, which should help me to keep it trim!
As Aidan often reminds us, Jeff is a stinker and a goofball. People should write on the blog more often!
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