Thursday, February 28, 2008

News from the homefront

Hi all!  I wanted to update everyone.   I won't find out about my CNA test for another week about.  Then I will let everyone know if I am a certified nursing assistant.  WHO HOO! Then I get to work!  Even more exciting with my boring life of sitting on a couch with nothing to do.  
(That's sarcasm - if you didn't know)

I have clinicals these next 2 weeks - on Mar. 6/7, and 13,14.  It's pediatrics rotation at Denver health - i am sure it will be interesting.

Other exciting news -  I have lost 3 - 3 1/2 inches off my hips,  waist, bust, and 5 inches off my belly since last January (07).   That makes me feel good - I still have a ways to go but it's something.

Hope everyone is doing well - more people should write on this.



Jeff said...

Hi Kristi,

I agree that more people should write on the subject of hip, waist, and belly size. My waist, for example, is down to a size 34 -- I lost a ton of weight in Indonesia in December and managed to not put all of it back on since coming back to the States.

I used to alternate between the second and third notches in my belt (depending on how much I ate the previous night), but I've been solidly entrenched in the third notch since January. With the Spring/Summer coming on, I'm hoping to be more active now too, which should help me to keep it trim!

Jill said...

As Aidan often reminds us, Jeff is a stinker and a goofball. People should write on the blog more often!

Ed, Dad, Jeep says...

Hi. This blog is for all of you to post your latest info, thoughts, pictures, etc. You can also add upcoming events or book and movie recommendations, or create new sections of things you want to share with everyone. I hope you will all use it!

If you want to add a blog post or update any of the links or lists on the right side, you'll need to login at the top (so keep track of your login info). Once you've logged in, click new post (at the top) to add a blog post in the middle section here, or click the little hammer and screwdriver next to any section you want to edit.