These were the last of this summer's babies we raised at Greenwood. Cody & Tara were thrilled to witness the release.
Edmund Louis Mueller III, father, physicist and nature lover, died May 14, 2007. He was 64. Our dad fought a brief but valiant battle against cancer and advanced liver disease, both diagnosed in late February of that year. He is deeply missed by his wife, ex-wife, five children, two stepchildren, six grandchildren, his sister, extended family, and friends. This is his family's blog. We hope he is reading it wherever he is!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Raccoon Release
These were the last of this summer's babies we raised at Greenwood. Cody & Tara were thrilled to witness the release.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Learning to Love Winter
It is CCC-OLD here! Woke up to -15 (-27 with wind chill). Heard the roads are still frozen because it is too cold for the salt mix the dept of transportation uses to activate. But no worries--I went online and ordered a pair of insulated snow pants (with suspenders!) to get me through the rest of the year.
Minneapolis has a very effective system for plowing roads during a snow emergency (we had 4 inches of snow and that constitutes a plowing "emergency"--which is better for all of us). They towed 2200 cars yesterday in the Twin Cities when they plowed just one side of the streets. It costs $138 plus a daily fee plus the cost of your ticket to get it out. We watched four or five tow trucks show up at once yesterday morning and haul every car on the opposite side away. Yikes! We're leaving our car up the driveway while we are gone... don't want to risk getting caught in that.
Jeff and I fly out to NY tonight. Eric was going to be here this past weekend but a darned snow storm kept him away--we were all disappointed but better to be safe than sorry. Hopefully he will be able to come for my birthday weekend or the snow/ice festival in January.
Give me a call on my cell or at John and Gloria's if you want! Merry last few days of Christmas anticipation!
Minneapolis has a very effective system for plowing roads during a snow emergency (we had 4 inches of snow and that constitutes a plowing "emergency"--which is better for all of us). They towed 2200 cars yesterday in the Twin Cities when they plowed just one side of the streets. It costs $138 plus a daily fee plus the cost of your ticket to get it out. We watched four or five tow trucks show up at once yesterday morning and haul every car on the opposite side away. Yikes! We're leaving our car up the driveway while we are gone... don't want to risk getting caught in that.
Jeff and I fly out to NY tonight. Eric was going to be here this past weekend but a darned snow storm kept him away--we were all disappointed but better to be safe than sorry. Hopefully he will be able to come for my birthday weekend or the snow/ice festival in January.
Give me a call on my cell or at John and Gloria's if you want! Merry last few days of Christmas anticipation!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Baby Owen
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Dad!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Walker Halloween
In response to Jill's Happy Halloween, here are pix from Tara's birthday and Halloween. We have a blond Harry Potter and a little witch who couldn't seem to keep her hat on. The pumpkin cake became a little scary when Tara added the birthday candles. :-) Last is the kiddos ready for trick-or-treating.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Halloween (a bit late)!
"Hiking" in Minnesota
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I think this is pretty amusing: Last night I received a hand-me-down jacket from Kiote!!! Guess that means it's really a hand-me-up. :-)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Dear Everyone,
I just wanted to give people an update about me. I just found out that i have major spinal issues that if not treated now - I could be crippled later on in life. It was a bit scary for me to hear that. I have had a lot of back pain through out the last years and I finally have been in so much pain that i had to get an x-ray. For those who know the spines I have problems with 1C (cervical - in the neck), 2 C, 6C, 7C, Then down in the lower back region there is some problems with 12T, 1L, 2L. 3L. 4L, 5L and the sacrum. The worst is at the sacrum and 5L. For those that don't know the spine, you can google it. Anyway, the doctor found arthritis on that part of my spinal cord and the 5L and sacrum are almost fused together, and at 4L it was twisted. It was interesting though, because he said because of this fusion my nerves are compressed and that is why I have such bad digestive problems.
So to fix it I am supposed to do some aggressive treatment, chiropractictly, in the next year. He said he could probably fix my spine hopefully up to 90%. However, it is very expensive. Well, he is giving me a discount for 90 times it would be $39 at time which equal out to @ $3560, compared to what they usually charge which is $9500. So if anyone wants to contribute to this, it would be appreciated. I was told i could not fix it and it will get worse and worse to where I could be crippled, or I would need surgery. Anyway, that's it for now.
Today is Becca's b'day and the poor girl is so sick. Fortunately, she won't remember too much of it.
I just wanted to give people an update about me. I just found out that i have major spinal issues that if not treated now - I could be crippled later on in life. It was a bit scary for me to hear that. I have had a lot of back pain through out the last years and I finally have been in so much pain that i had to get an x-ray. For those who know the spines I have problems with 1C (cervical - in the neck), 2 C, 6C, 7C, Then down in the lower back region there is some problems with 12T, 1L, 2L. 3L. 4L, 5L and the sacrum. The worst is at the sacrum and 5L. For those that don't know the spine, you can google it. Anyway, the doctor found arthritis on that part of my spinal cord and the 5L and sacrum are almost fused together, and at 4L it was twisted. It was interesting though, because he said because of this fusion my nerves are compressed and that is why I have such bad digestive problems.
So to fix it I am supposed to do some aggressive treatment, chiropractictly, in the next year. He said he could probably fix my spine hopefully up to 90%. However, it is very expensive. Well, he is giving me a discount for 90 times it would be $39 at time which equal out to @ $3560, compared to what they usually charge which is $9500. So if anyone wants to contribute to this, it would be appreciated. I was told i could not fix it and it will get worse and worse to where I could be crippled, or I would need surgery. Anyway, that's it for now.
Today is Becca's b'day and the poor girl is so sick. Fortunately, she won't remember too much of it.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Math Whiz
Tara has been figuring out multiplication (a skill one learns in 3rd grade) - just problem solving in her head with no prompting from me or Cody. I emailed her teacher saying that Tara's math skills are developing at a phenomenal rate - what do we do? She wrote back saying that the other day Tara told her 10 x 2 = 20 and that she has never had a kindergartner who could do multiplication. Unfortunately, kindergarten is not part of the Gifted & Talented program, but Mrs. Campbell is going to talk to the GT teacher to see what we can do. Who knew I'd have a math whiz on my hands? :-)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
1st Day of School
My kiddos started school today: Cody's off to his last year in elementary school; and Tara's off to all-day kindergarten. Part of me wants to cry a little, but the other part is quoting Martin Luther King, Jr., "Free at last! Free at last!" (Is that bad?) Anyway, the house is sooooo quiet. And now I have so many things to catch up on that I don't know where to start...
Monday, August 18, 2008
"The Five Love Languages of Children"
I just finished reading "The Five Love Languages of Children" by Gary Chapman & Ross Campbell, M.D. The bottom line is that children perceive love from their parents in 5 different ways: physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, and acts of service. Each child has her/his own main love language, so we parents needs to focus on that one particular style for that child but sprinkle in the other love languages, too. For example, Tara is always asking to play games, so I know her love language is quality time. In regards to discipline, it is detrimental to the child to discipline in the form of her/his love language. For example, if a child thrives with physical touch, spanking would be a horrible form of discipline. The book also discusses anger management in regard to love languages and discipline. After reading so many parenting books, this one has a different approach that I think may be worth investigating. Craig's sister lent it to us saying that she used it with her kids, and it worked.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Bears oh my!!
I have been having all these animals encounters lately on my various adventures, but the most recent was the scariest and most interesting. As some of you might know I have been very involved with Asheville Hoops, a blooming hooping business run by my friend Melanie. Well I was at a music festival last week, at a venue called Deerfield. It's 1000 acres privately owned by these guys who took over the land after their father passed and now use it for various events. Well the beauty of this place is that you can camp and see music, hike and bike on trails as well. So I was on a morning run before all the festival goers woke up and lost track of time. I think I had been running on some barely marked trails for about 45 min. when I decided I might want to turn around and head back to camp. Well about 5 min later a baby black bear darted in front of me from a bunch of blackberry bushes in the corner. My first thought was, "Oh my God a baby bear, how cute!" Then I realized the what that really meant. Baby bear=mama bear. Then I heard a low grumble above me in the bushes and some mulling around. I had two choices: try and slowly pass through the area where I could hear them mulling around, or run further in the opposite direction of camp. I chose to risk it and creep past the area above me where I could hear them, and then I ran faster than I thought was even possible. I was almost back to camp and starting to slow down and feeling a little safer, when I saw a different kind of bear....bare skin that is. Let's just say there were two people in the middle of the trail with bare skin. So I jumped over them and thought, "Hope the bears don't get them." I promise you this is an totally true and a reminder that indeed my life continues to get stranger and stranger. I'm glad to be alive and have a new found respect for bears. Later in the festival we were asked to join a friend's band on stage to hoop it up and though I was nervous in front a thousand people I thought about my bears and jumped in stage, you only live once after all...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Notice the shirt?
Not that it really matters, but, girls, did you notice the shirt on Dad in the photo above? It's the one I took. Now it's even more special than special.
On another note... I had a dream last night that I had breast cancer. It was very real and very scary. I woke up in the morning with a weird feeling that I am too stressed.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Sisters Together
On Saturday Deana, Jill, Mindy, Kristi and myself, Jane, drove out to Barbara's to sort out and/or inventory Ed's belongings. His things, the things that made up his life were in the basement, in the barn and in two different sheds. I went to provide verbal history to some items and to provide a vehichel to transport large items to the girl's homes where they could sort at their leisure. Of course leisure is not a word any of us knows. KK has a new job and starts school this week. Jill and Mindy are both moving the end of August. Deana is always busy with kids and work. My life is constant motion. I felt that Ed was with us as we were trying to create some order or at least get an idea of what is there. The uniforms were packed in moth balls and as we pulled them out of the trunk and hung them up the memories came flooding back. He was always so handsome in his uniforms and more than that was an outstanding Army officer. He was a first rate problem solver and respected for his problem solving and knowledge. Whatever the challenge was in his work, he always met it head on with success. Ed could do just about anything he put his mind to. I hope he sees how his children are working together and honoring his memory as they learn more about who he was as a person. They all have so many of his wonderful traits.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Walker Zoo - July 2008
I thought I'd try to summarize the July craziness at my house for those of you whom I haven't talked to recently.
- Craig lacerated his right leg (just above the ankle) all the way to the bone. He went to the ER via ambulance. It took over 2 hours to get him cleaned and stitched up: 9 stitches in his left leg and about 40 stitches in layers in his right leg.
- Tara got a concussion and had a CT scan at the ER. (She was doing a stunt on the stairs.)
- Cody had 2 baby teeth pulled - on 2 different days.
- Cody & I got stung by yellow jackets.
- Tara gave herself a black eye jumping on a trampoline.
- John got fired from Thrifty Nickel, so I thought I would get laid off and discovered I was happy about it. When I didn't get laid off, I submitted my letter of resignation.
Hopefully, August will be a better month for us...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Aidan's imagination
We were driving home the other night and Aidan asks me, "What happened to Papa Ed? He died? From a polar bear? I don't know why he came up with that, I am sure Dad would have appreciated that more so than cirrhosis. :)
FOr those that don't know - I am working at DH as a clerk. I am hoping to get a nurse internship there before I graduate. It is a great job, long but much better that what I did before.
Love you all,
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I can't believe it, but last week I biked over 120 miles last week. I did a several rides to get to that point. But the big rides included and group of four of us who biked from Asheville to Hot Springs and then camped for two days and rode back up. Each way was about 41 miles. It was such a great weekend that concluded with the commitment to train for the next three years to prepare for Ride the Rockies starting in Golden. One of my bosses turns 50 in three years and she has become a steady biking partner who regularly kicks my butt. Ride the Rockies is insane, and follows I-70 up the mountains, but I think three years of steady training will help. Otherwise I am well. Hope to hear from all of you soon!!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
River fun
Well I spent last weekend rafting on the French Broad river in Hot Springs with a friend and hiking along the Green River with a group of work people. It is wonderful to live near so much water, however we are experiencing low water levels like many places in the South right now. Life is steady, but busy with summer fun...hope all is well.
Good news for the weary
I received a call this morning at 5 am from Maxim (the staffing agency). They said that the VA didn't need me today.
Someone's looking out for me.
So I am supposed to go work at the VA hospital (in the nursing home there) in 4 hours. I cannot sleep for the life of me. I was soo tired and couldn't get Aidan to bed until 11 and then I was wide awake, having major anxiety. I can't do this CNA stuff. It is just not my thing. I am trying to reason with myself in not going because I feel so guilty for not providing for my family but then if I quit I feel guilty leaving a job without notice. But isn't better to get trained in something instead of being thrown to the wolves. That's what this is like. No one is training me, I am supposed to know what I am doing but because I have never technically worked in this setting, I don't know. But then I feel so bad not making money and having all that stress fall on Christian who isn't making enough money to support a family of 5. I hope something will pan out. I am supposed to hear from Denver Health this week. Everyone keep their fingers crossed for me. I really need that job. (For those who don't know, I am trying to get a position there as a clerk. It would give me a leg in when I become a nurse).
Aidan was so adorable but frustrating tonight. He refused to go to sleep. I had him lie in bed with me to see if it would help. I was getting angry so he started yelling at me or telling me how things are. I sniffled (my nose if very stuffed up) and he said, "Mama, are you sad?" I went with it and said yes, I was sad because he doesn't listen to me. He jumped in my arms and started crying and said that he didn't want me to be sad. It was so sweet. However, a few minutes later he said he didn't want me to be sad and he didn't want me to die like Papa Ed. For some reason he is struggling with Dad's death. He has been talking about it all day. I think he is at that age of questioning.
Wish me luck - on quitting a job, getting a job, and sleeping.
Hope all is well with everyone.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
No More Red
For those of us with facial skin problems (e.g., rosacea), I have found a great product that smooths my complexion and makes my redness disappear. It is brush-on mineral foundation powder. One morning my face was especially red from showering, but after I brushed on the powder, I couldn't see any redness. I believe this type of foundation powder is found in many brands - I have been using the N.Y.C. brand found at Target, which has SPF 12 sun protection in it. [It's funny how I used to ignore my skin but HAD to wear mascara. Now I pay attention to my skin but don't wear mascara (due to my lasik eye surgery).]
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Thanks from Jill
Thanks for coming to my art opening last night! I really loved having everyone there--it is a rare thing in my world to get to invite family to my things. It was fun for me and I really appreciated it!
Last night I had a dream the school burned down and a bunch of the staff and students were in it when it caught fire. I was able to get all of my artwork out (just barely). Must mean something good, right? I walked through flames to get out, but I made it with everything intact. (Ivan and Teddy were also there, standing above me on a balcony. Ivan seemed to be on fire but wasn't burning.) I woke up a little disoriented.
It will take some time to sort things out, but I have applied to schools in Minneapolis, Philadelphia, and New York City, and hope to have news soon. I'll keep you posted.
Last night I had a dream the school burned down and a bunch of the staff and students were in it when it caught fire. I was able to get all of my artwork out (just barely). Must mean something good, right? I walked through flames to get out, but I made it with everything intact. (Ivan and Teddy were also there, standing above me on a balcony. Ivan seemed to be on fire but wasn't burning.) I woke up a little disoriented.
It will take some time to sort things out, but I have applied to schools in Minneapolis, Philadelphia, and New York City, and hope to have news soon. I'll keep you posted.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Coming to Colorado
Hey all I arrive in Denver early on Tuesday and will stay through Sat. Hope to see you all while I'm there.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Thank you
Thank you all who came over for Aidan's birthday party. We all had a great time. I really appreciate everyone helping, I couldn't have done it without you - well, I guess I could clean up but it would have taken a lot longer.
Aidan thanks you all for his gifts. It's was funny when I asked what his favorite part of his birthday was, he said "Chocolate!" However, he woke in the morning at 4 am because he had a belly ache but he insisted on wearing the shoes Mindy and Gavin got him. And Deana, he has been wearing his soccer shirt since last night and refuses to take it off, as well as the camo- shorts. We are getting the ball out tomorrow - it's ready to go though so if anyone wants to come play with the kids in the sprinkler feel free.
That's it for now.
Thanks again.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
In Hiding
I have been feeling the same as KK and Deana, but I have been avoiding it and keeping busy. I took yesterday off because there is only so much support I have to give to others when my own mental state is fragile. So I took a long bike ride in the rain. It seemed fitting. It hardly seems like a year has passed. It seems so fresh in my mind. I remember the night that Deana and I spent the night at the hospital toward the end like it was yesterday. At the same time I have hope. I am proud and excited to see the house come to completion and I think Ed would too....hang in there everyone.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
To Dad!
I feel the same, Deana. I have dreams and memories about Dad all the time. It is very hard. I year ago, we were all in the hospital watching our father go. It is so painful and it feels like yesterday. I remember the last lucid moment I had with him. I told him I loved him, and he lifted up his face and kissed me. It meant and still means so much to me. There are many times I think about what I could have done different with my time with him. Or I think about how I never really appreciated him for who he was until it was too late. I was so caught up, growing up, thinking he didn't love me or wasn't proud but he always was. I was just too self absorbed to see it. So I will take this pain of knowing that, and I will try to be better with others. I will try to appreciate and love people how they are and not how I expect them to be.
Dad was such a good person and I miss him so much. It is so hard knowing we won't see him again. I think about him daily and hopefully as time goes by, I will remember all the good times, more than him dying. We should all maybe use this site to write happy memories of him so we will all remember and will be able to tell the children. I think that is what he would want.
I don't know how anyone else is feeling right now about tomorrow, but I am not doing well. The memories from the hospital stays keep creeping into my consciousness. Even when I'm not traveling memory lane, I feel depressed, constantly on the verge of tears, exhausted, and not motivated to do anything. I've been like this for a few days now...
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Jill's art show
Hi guys--the Colorado Academy of Art art show to finish off the year has been changed. The new date is May 31st (they forgot the 23rd was memorial day weekend and don't want to do it then). I'll know more soon and give you the final update.
Here's what I feel right now: time for change. I think I have a cycle in my life that promotes change. I just recently noticed this.
The link goes to an entry in my blog.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Mistaken Identity
My postings & comments since April 22 are credited to Elkheart, who is Craig, not me. Sorry if this caused any confusion.
The Soccer Star
I don't know what happened to Cody today, but I have never seen him play soccer like he played it today. Usually he likes to play "D," but today he was on offense. His team won 3-0 with Cody assisting on 2 of those goals. He would have made another goal but it was blocked by his scout buddy's face (who happened to be on the opposing team). We were even short 2 players, so we had no subs; therefore, all the boys played the entire game with only small breaks between quarters. He controlled the ball; he ran the ball down the field multiple times; he passed the ball perfectly; he was always in the right position. If they gave out MVP awards, he would have won it today. :-)
Monday, April 28, 2008
I'm almost done!
FYI--the opening for our end of year student art show is 7pm, Friday May 23 at the Colorado Academy of Art in Boulder. I'd love to have anyone there who can make it! The show should be up a while if you would rather see it later.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Remembering Nonnie
Today was the one year anniversary of Nonnie's death. I still feel terrible that I didn't make the effort to go visit her and that Cody & Tara never met her. Once in a while Tara says, "I'm sad that I never met Aunt Nonnie," but she has found a link to make herself feel better - a shared love of roses. To make myself feel better, I remember her kind and generous personality. We love and miss you, Nonnie...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Happy Earth Day!
In honor of Earth Day (which is really every day for me), my family & I made pledges to Mother Nature. I pledge to take shorter showers. Craig pledges to not run the water so much when he's washing dishes. Cody pledges to turn off his bedroom light; and Tara pledges to not eat as many foods that are individually wrapped. Happy Earth Day!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The latest from the art world...
I've ended up in an interesting exchange... I was looking on Craigslist for studio space in Denver so that I wouldn't have to run up to Boulder so often to do work (I have a terrible time trying to be focused and inspired at home) when I came across the following listing:
I'm looking for an artist who needs studio space and would be willing to keep a gallery open 15 hrs/week on Fri, Sat, Sun or Th, Fr Sat. Rent is only $150, but with commissions on art sales you'd likely not only have free studio space, but make money "renting". Chance to show your own work as well, if it fits in. Please send several thumbnails of your work if you are interested.
Although the actual set-up was nothing like I expected, I interviewed with the owner and we have an agreement! The gallery is in the Santa Fe Arts District. It has been open maybe two weeks. The owner has a small business painting faux finishes in houses and also does creative landscape photography, and this is his way of promoting his business and having a place to show his art. The gallery has two rooms, and he has used a different paint technique on every wall. He hopes to get several clients a year through the gallery, and sell a lot of art in the process.
So my role is this: I will keep the gallery open Thursday, Friday, Saturday from 11-6. The studio space he mentioned is the gallery itself, so I will be drawing and painting there for people to see if they come in. I am paying $100 rent/month and can come and go as I please outside of the fixed hours (but plan to keep the gallery open whenever I am there). And I can hang/sell my work--I essentially have a gallery to represent me!
I am managing the gallery for him and take (small) commission for any art sales. I am as excited about learning more about that side of things as I am about having to step things up and producing art that I think people will want to buy. I am sure I can help him get this off the ground just as it will help get my art sales off the ground.
My summer will be busy--In addition to the gallery, in June I start teaching 9-12 year olds art on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings for nine weeks (we have a summer art camp for kids at my school). Pretty exciting!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I can see!
Yesterday I got lasik eye surgery (and I didn't even pass out). Now I can see 20/20. It is amazing and surreal.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Negative Nelly
So here is the scoop. We just found out Becca is extremely allergic to cats. She also has little allergies to dogs and milk. Her peanut allergy has gone down slightly, and we are waiting for the other test results to come in about environmental allergies.
For those who don't know, we just got a cat about 2 weeks ago without knowing about Becca's allergy.
School is not doing well. It is extremely hard at the moment with clinicals 2 days a week and class the other 3. I don't know how much more I will be able to take but i keep on keepin' on.
I realize that between school, and raising 2 little kids - it is making a negative impact on Kiote. I realized that when he mentioned he didn't see the point to being at my house when all I do is take care of the little ones and study. So, I have to find a way to make time for him.
Hope all is well. I wish it were here.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
The Wizard of Oz??
Well I took some residents to a kids production of the Wizard of Oz. It was crazy, I mean when did broadway hit gradeschool? I think that I was still eating cardboard at that time. Anyway, it was really good and we saw Andie MacDowell there. She is from the area, but really how random is that?
Friday, April 11, 2008
Another Ed Mueller
Today at work I came across a piece of mail from Ed Mueller...
Chairman & CEO of Qwest Communications!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Needles and More
Needles, needles, everywhere.
I hope they don't get in your hair.
Sorry, just thought I'd make a rhyme. Anyway, it's supposed to get up towards 60 degrees today. Winter seems to be letting up here, finally. We actually had some snow fall last week.
I hope they don't get in your hair.
Sorry, just thought I'd make a rhyme. Anyway, it's supposed to get up towards 60 degrees today. Winter seems to be letting up here, finally. We actually had some snow fall last week.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Hydrate Me
You can stick me Kristi. First of all it would elimenate the need to drink any water and what the heck that whole eating thing is so overated and takes way too much time.
IV Sticking
Well - I did it.. I stuck a needle in someone. I started IV class today and my friend Amy convinced me to practice on her. I only practiced one time on a fake arm so I don't think I was totally prepared. I did get the needle in but it was to the left side of the vein so it didn't work out too well. I will make sure I get it right on Monday.
I think after this next week i should be IV certified.
So if anyone needs to be hydrated - let me know :)
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Smoky Mountains
I just finished a three day trek through the Smoky Mountains. It reminded me of life on El Camino in Spain. It is amazing how as much as I excercise i do daily, it still took my body a while to acclimate to all the climbing. I was carrying a 20lb pack and traversing many creeks and streams. The path often turned into streams and visa versa. My friends and I camped by a lovely stream, built a fire and cooked luxrious meals, by camping standards at least. I was a little hesitant, because there are a lot of black bears in the area. Each night we had to hang our food on a wire pully system set up at each of the campsites. Although we didn't run into any bears we saw some of their poop. Trust me tracking bear piles is indeed scary. In the end, however, we only ran into a small harmless snake, not very exciting. Well I have to go to work now, talk to you all soon.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Dating on the Downswing
Well, things have fizzled out here in my dating life. The woman I met in Walgreen's has apparently stopped calling.
We had two dates -- one planned, one spontaneous. Both dates involved having lunch, but the second involved grocery shopping. Both of us needed to buy food for home, and so we went together. Sometime into the following week, all two-way communication stopped. No more emails or phone calls from her. I called several times and left messages, but I gave up yesterday after the final call.
I don't know why this happened. She does work two jobs, and there were obvious lifestyle differences that had already come up, although I would have at least appreciated a phone call indicating a definite reason why things shouldn't or couldn't continue.
Well, I tried, and so did she, but this has got to be the shortest dating streak I've been through. One woman, two dates, and that's it. I wish I could say I learned something from this, but there wasn't enough time to bring up any life lessons. All I can say is that I dated her.
I'm OK. I'm a little disappointed, but OK. I have other things to do, and I know other people who will appreciate having me around when I do something away from home. Life goes on. Maybe next time I'll find someone that I can connect with better.
We had two dates -- one planned, one spontaneous. Both dates involved having lunch, but the second involved grocery shopping. Both of us needed to buy food for home, and so we went together. Sometime into the following week, all two-way communication stopped. No more emails or phone calls from her. I called several times and left messages, but I gave up yesterday after the final call.
I don't know why this happened. She does work two jobs, and there were obvious lifestyle differences that had already come up, although I would have at least appreciated a phone call indicating a definite reason why things shouldn't or couldn't continue.
Well, I tried, and so did she, but this has got to be the shortest dating streak I've been through. One woman, two dates, and that's it. I wish I could say I learned something from this, but there wasn't enough time to bring up any life lessons. All I can say is that I dated her.
I'm OK. I'm a little disappointed, but OK. I have other things to do, and I know other people who will appreciate having me around when I do something away from home. Life goes on. Maybe next time I'll find someone that I can connect with better.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Kristi!!!!! I am having a glass of wine for you (well maybe just a little bit for me also). Enjoy the day.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I am off to NY
I have finished my second trimester of school and the dreaded anatomy test is over! It took me three full hours and part of the test was to draw muscles of the body from the front and back--basically draw the human body without skin (or fat). It was tough but I am learning so much.
I fly to NY tonight for Jeff's grandma's 95th surprise birthday party. I haven't been back since I moved out of my aptartment last May. It'll be a quick trip but we have it scheduled out already. Jeff and I are meeting there at the diner we would eat at many weekends. We have plans with several different friends for various meals. We'll see Amy. Jeff's family will all be there for the party. We'll see the art exhibit up for the friend who was killed by a train last year--he is an amzing artist and was one of the good ones (humans) in life. I'll also see the Courbet exhibit at the Metropolitan Art Museum. Should all be good--despite the forecast for rain all weekend.
Gotta live while we can--pack it in!
I fly to NY tonight for Jeff's grandma's 95th surprise birthday party. I haven't been back since I moved out of my aptartment last May. It'll be a quick trip but we have it scheduled out already. Jeff and I are meeting there at the diner we would eat at many weekends. We have plans with several different friends for various meals. We'll see Amy. Jeff's family will all be there for the party. We'll see the art exhibit up for the friend who was killed by a train last year--he is an amzing artist and was one of the good ones (humans) in life. I'll also see the Courbet exhibit at the Metropolitan Art Museum. Should all be good--despite the forecast for rain all weekend.
Gotta live while we can--pack it in!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Well - I did it. I passed my exam to become a certified nursing assistant. I am not as excited as I should be because now this means I have to go work.
I have been offered a position at my neighbor's work. She works for assisted living. I could get certified there and pass meds and make an extra $1 an hour. I am also going to look into Denver Health and Rose. I have been told by a girl in my class that her boss at Rose is desperate. We shall see.
I will keep you all posted.
By the way - my schedule is changing next week. I will be in school MTW 8:30 to noon. No more afternoons.
Take care
Little Hams
Monday, March 10, 2008
Spring Has Sprung
Well it is starting to get warm here and I can feel spring on the horizon. I am on my second week in my position as sous chef in the kitchen. It is going fairly well, although it always takes some time to get used to a routine. I can't complain, though, as far as kitchen jobs go this one is good. I work four really long days, but then get 3 off. I got a book on North Carolina and hope to explore its vast network of national parks and biking trails. You wouldn't think it, but the smoky mountain, Blue Ridge and park of the AT are all here. It is very peaceful in the small town of Mill Springs where Cooperriis is located (it’s about the size of Elbert). I am going to start some classes in the Asheville area soon, but I am enjoying not having to drive everywhere and try to enjoy my time here on the farm. I will post some pictures soon. I plan on taking some on my next day off. The house is going well, although frost is preventing the laying of pipes and pouring of concrete. I will most likely be coming out to Colorado at the end of April beginning of May to close. I plan to stay a few days and visit with everyone. I can't wait to see everyone. I really do miss all of you. Anyway that's all for now.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Mom's learning to blog
Hi everybody,
This is a test and I am learning to blog following Jill's instruction. Every day more memories pop up about your dad. I will learn how to put them in for you.
This is a test and I am learning to blog following Jill's instruction. Every day more memories pop up about your dad. I will learn how to put them in for you.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
A Crazy Horse Story
Saturday was my first official day volunteering at Greenwood Wildlife Rehab Center. It was pretty slow, so we were all going to leave an hour early at 4:00. As I was getting in the Geo, I noticed a strange shape maybe 25 yards in front of me. It looked like a horse lying on its side with its legs straight out. My first thought was that it was dead, but as I walked over to investigate, she moved her head - just a little. She had somehow ended up lying on her side with her left legs stuck between the second and third wires; the second one cut into her armpit and her inner thigh. I ran back to the trailer to get help. Fortunately, the manager and animal tech were still here. The tech, Lauren, is in vet school and is an experienced horsewoman, so she knew what to watch for, be concerned about, etc. One big concern was that the horse was having trouble breathing because of all the weight on her lungs due to her position. We cut the fence wires and got the mare on her feet, but she ended up on the Greenwood side of the fence, so we had to walk her through the Greenwood property to get to the pasture gate. In the meantime, the manager, Gabriele, called the dude ranch, and they were sending someone out to assess and treat the horse's injuries. All in all, the mare had some pretty nasty cuts from the wire, but they weren't bleeding profusely (i.e., cut arteries), and she was a little lame. Not bad, considering. If I hadn't seen her, she would have died. I think I would have noticed her when I arrived at Greenwood at 1:00, so hopefully, she had been there only a couple hours. Not bad for my first day on the job!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Amazing Chocolate Cake
I got this cake recipe off of and it is AWESOME. I made it for Mindy's birthday and everybody loved it, so I am posting it here for those who ate it and those who need to!
Flourless Chocolate Cake
"A dense chocolate cake for those of us who can't tolerate wheat or gluten."
Original recipe yield: 1 -10 inch round cake (serves 16... this cake is RICH so you can't eat much)
1/2 cup water
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup white sugar
18 (1 ounce) squares bittersweet chocolate ( I used almost two bags of Ghiardhelli bittersweet chocolate chips)
1 cup unsalted butter
6 eggs
Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). Grease one 10 inch round cake pan and set aside.
In a small saucepan over medium heat combine the water, salt and sugar. Stir until completely dissolved and set aside.
Either in the top half of a double boiler or in a microwave oven melt the bittersweet chocolate. Pour the chocolate into the bowl of an electric mixer.
Cut the butter into pieces and beat the butter into the chocolate, 1 piece at a time. Beat in the hot sugar-water. Slowly beat in the eggs, one at a time.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Have a pan larger than the cake pan ready, put the cake pan in the larger pan and fill
the pan with boiling water halfway up the sides of the cake pan.
Bake cake in the water bath at 300 degrees F (150 degrees C) for 45 minutes. The center will still look wet. Chill cake overnight in the pan. To unmold, dip the bottom of the cake pan in hot water for 10 seconds and invert onto a serving plate.
Flourless Chocolate Cake
"A dense chocolate cake for those of us who can't tolerate wheat or gluten."
Original recipe yield: 1 -10 inch round cake (serves 16... this cake is RICH so you can't eat much)
1/2 cup water
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup white sugar
18 (1 ounce) squares bittersweet chocolate ( I used almost two bags of Ghiardhelli bittersweet chocolate chips)
1 cup unsalted butter
6 eggs
Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). Grease one 10 inch round cake pan and set aside.
In a small saucepan over medium heat combine the water, salt and sugar. Stir until completely dissolved and set aside.
Either in the top half of a double boiler or in a microwave oven melt the bittersweet chocolate. Pour the chocolate into the bowl of an electric mixer.
Cut the butter into pieces and beat the butter into the chocolate, 1 piece at a time. Beat in the hot sugar-water. Slowly beat in the eggs, one at a time.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Have a pan larger than the cake pan ready, put the cake pan in the larger pan and fill
the pan with boiling water halfway up the sides of the cake pan.
Bake cake in the water bath at 300 degrees F (150 degrees C) for 45 minutes. The center will still look wet. Chill cake overnight in the pan. To unmold, dip the bottom of the cake pan in hot water for 10 seconds and invert onto a serving plate.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
News from the homefront
Hi all! I wanted to update everyone. I won't find out about my CNA test for another week about. Then I will let everyone know if I am a certified nursing assistant. WHO HOO! Then I get to work! Even more exciting with my boring life of sitting on a couch with nothing to do.
(That's sarcasm - if you didn't know)
I have clinicals these next 2 weeks - on Mar. 6/7, and 13,14. It's pediatrics rotation at Denver health - i am sure it will be interesting.
Other exciting news - I have lost 3 - 3 1/2 inches off my hips, waist, bust, and 5 inches off my belly since last January (07). That makes me feel good - I still have a ways to go but it's something.
Hope everyone is doing well - more people should write on this.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Missing Dad
So I had a weird experience today. We decided to go to PetCo for dog food, it is farther away than pet smart, today. As we were driving home I saw the Kaufman Big and Tall store. I suddenly had this vivid memory of Dad and Barbara walking in there. I saw them walk in there before he got sick. It was just as though it was the same time of day (even though it was dark out). I don't think I can explain it very well - it was just so real.
I think for a while now I have been okay with Dad. But with this everything came flooding back. I do miss him. I can remember his long strides as he was walking into that store with his blue coat that I now have hanging on my coat rack. Even driving to Colorado Mills Mall the other day to buy pjs for the kids - I kept thinking about the days I visited Dad at Jyoti's.
I think it might get harder as it gets closer to May. If it does for anyone else, I would love to talk about him. It might help.
I get to work with wildlife!
I am now volunteering at Greenwood Wildlife Rescue Center. I get to clean cages (they have an area called scrapeland where we get to scrape lots and lots of poop off the towels) and feed the animals. In the spring I will take the baby bird class, so I can help take care of them. They also offer raccoon and baby squirrel classes, which I'm sure I'll end up taking, too. You can check out the place at
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Hi, guess what?
I have a date this weekend. Her name is Karen, and I met her in Walmart. I think I'm in shock - it happened so fast.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Only 6 more months...
I registered Tara for kindergarten Wednesday. She will be in an all day class. Yeah me!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Nursing Plans
So I am taking the CNA test on Saturday. It takes 5 weeks to get an official license (if I pass). My plan is to start working right when school is done. My friend's wife works for Hospice and said she might be able to help me get a job there. We shall see. I think I will update everyone on school stuff through this blog.
Also - Kiote's b'day is coming. I don't know if we are doing anything - I will let everyone know
Jill's Cartoon
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Jill's New Job
It's official, I'm hired! I'm going to start teaching two kids art classes per week at the Colorado Art Academy (where I am also a student). I taught kids art while living in New York and really loved it, so am looking forward to this. We're going to do a 6-week session trial, reevaluate and go from there!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Here is Something Weird
This might sound really strange, but I was watching The Colbert Report, yesterday and they had on Leonard Nimoy, you know the guy from Star Trek. Well, he had on these glasses that looked just like Ed's and he just reminded me of him. It was kinda funny actually. Anyway, check Comedy Central, or the web and tell me what you think.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Jill update with Indonesia, McCarthy photo links

I guess I shouldn't request life updates without doing one of my own...
I am now approaching the end of the second trimester of my first year at the Colorado Academy of Art in Boulder. The school is just what I have been looking for over the past three years! The training is in the classical style, which means learning in the same manner and with the same centuries-old techniques as the great European masters (Michaelangelo, etc.) (My blog link will take you to see my student works if you'd like--they are subdivided by school in the left coloumn.) I will complete a two year certificate and then Jeff and I plan to go to St. Petersburg, Russia, where I will study at the Repin Academy for a year (provided I can find funding).
My ultimate goal is to became a portrait artist, telling people's stories through paintings. I'm also volunteering with the kids art classes at the school--and hope to eventually get paid there or elsewhere to continue to do so. I actually just met a woman at the hospital nearby who is talking to a couple of people for me about opportunities to work/volunteer doing art with children of cancer patients or patients themselves. I'll let you know as that develops.
Other than that, not much going on. Jeff and I went to Indonesia (he for the UN Conference on Climate Change, me for vacation with him after the conference ended). Check out our Indonesia slide show.
Here's a link to photos from our 2005 trip to McCarthy, Alaska. (If you click on "view slide show", then "option" in the lower right hand corner, then "always show title and description," my comments will pop up on the photos as you view the show.)
Hope everyone is well--Happy Valentine's Day!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Shona's Work
Hey All,
Sorry I haven't gotten around to posting pictures yet, I am just getting used to this new digital camera thing. Anyway, I will probably do it within the week, but if you would like to see some pictures of the farm and get info about our organization go to Otherwise doing well, I'll bein touch.
Sorry I haven't gotten around to posting pictures yet, I am just getting used to this new digital camera thing. Anyway, I will probably do it within the week, but if you would like to see some pictures of the farm and get info about our organization go to Otherwise doing well, I'll bein touch.
Friday, February 8, 2008
ELM tree 3 is up and running!
Our new family blog is alive! I've left it open so that anyone on the internet can read it if they find it (but only those invited can post entries)--so don't share anything you want kept totally private. We should definitely share memories of Dad on this blog, but I don't want it to be only about Dad--we should post things that are going on in our lives and definitely photos of our kids, events, artwork, etc. I've added recommended reading and movie lists, upcoming events, and links to other sites we want to share with one another. If you have other ideas, please let me know. This is a great way for us to stay connected and get better acquainted--use it!
I've heard that Eric has wanted a place to share memories about Dad and maybe other genealogy info--can this work for some of that? (I created it a long time ago and was inspired to get it going.) If not, set up a Mueller genealogy site up and add a link from the blog!
Oh--if I've left off any family member from the invite list it is because I don't have their address, so get it to me!
I've heard that Eric has wanted a place to share memories about Dad and maybe other genealogy info--can this work for some of that? (I created it a long time ago and was inspired to get it going.) If not, set up a Mueller genealogy site up and add a link from the blog!
Oh--if I've left off any family member from the invite list it is because I don't have their address, so get it to me!
Dad's Obituary
I am posting Dad's obituary below, for those of you who didn't get to see it. I wrote it and sent it to the Elbert County News last year. Here it is:
Edmund Louis Mueller III, physicist and nature lover, died Monday, May 14, at Parker Adventist Hospital in Parker, CO. He was 64.
Ed fought a brief but valiant battle against cancer and advanced liver disease, both diagnosed in late February. Family surrounded him throughout his illness.
Born Nov. 19, 1942 in Battle Creek, MI, Ed lived a life captivated with exploration of our physical world and universe, yet grounded by duty, loyalty, and love for his family. His quiet curiosity about life, the breadth of his knowledge, and his subtle sense of humor inspired and charmed those around him.
The mold for Ed’s life and love of nature was set in Alaska—first as a child where his father was Commandant of the Army Arctic Indoctrination School, spending summers as a teenager working with the USGS, and later studying at the University of Alaska. It is in Alaska that he left his heart—he transferred to the University of Alabama to be near his mother who was diagnosed with late stage breast cancer—but he found great solace throughout his life exploring the outdoors and in the high plains of Elbert, CO, where he spent the last ten years of his life.
Ed served 21 years in the Army, retiring a Lieutenant Colonel and continuing service as a civilian in the defense industry.
Ed will be deeply missed by his wife, Barbara Miller; five children, Deana, Eric, Jill, Mindy, Kristi; two stepchildren, Jyoti, Shona; six grandchildren, Kiote, Cody, Gavin, Tara, Aidan, Rebecca; his sister, Karen Phillips; and many dear friends.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, June 2, 1:00 pm, at Kiowa Creek Community Church, 231 Cheyenne St. Kiowa, CO.
Memorial donations can be made in Ed’s name to the Nature Conservancy:
The Nature Conservancy
Attn: TREASURY—Reference #11547299
4245 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100
Arlington, VA 22203, USA
Edmund Louis Mueller III, physicist and nature lover, died Monday, May 14, at Parker Adventist Hospital in Parker, CO. He was 64.
Ed fought a brief but valiant battle against cancer and advanced liver disease, both diagnosed in late February. Family surrounded him throughout his illness.
Born Nov. 19, 1942 in Battle Creek, MI, Ed lived a life captivated with exploration of our physical world and universe, yet grounded by duty, loyalty, and love for his family. His quiet curiosity about life, the breadth of his knowledge, and his subtle sense of humor inspired and charmed those around him.
The mold for Ed’s life and love of nature was set in Alaska—first as a child where his father was Commandant of the Army Arctic Indoctrination School, spending summers as a teenager working with the USGS, and later studying at the University of Alaska. It is in Alaska that he left his heart—he transferred to the University of Alabama to be near his mother who was diagnosed with late stage breast cancer—but he found great solace throughout his life exploring the outdoors and in the high plains of Elbert, CO, where he spent the last ten years of his life.
Ed served 21 years in the Army, retiring a Lieutenant Colonel and continuing service as a civilian in the defense industry.
Ed will be deeply missed by his wife, Barbara Miller; five children, Deana, Eric, Jill, Mindy, Kristi; two stepchildren, Jyoti, Shona; six grandchildren, Kiote, Cody, Gavin, Tara, Aidan, Rebecca; his sister, Karen Phillips; and many dear friends.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, June 2, 1:00 pm, at Kiowa Creek Community Church, 231 Cheyenne St. Kiowa, CO.
Memorial donations can be made in Ed’s name to the Nature Conservancy:
The Nature Conservancy
Attn: TREASURY—Reference #11547299
4245 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100
Arlington, VA 22203, USA
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![]() Hi. This blog is for all of you to post your latest info, thoughts, pictures, etc. You can also add upcoming events or book and movie recommendations, or create new sections of things you want to share with everyone. I hope you will all use it! If you want to add a blog post or update any of the links or lists on the right side, you'll need to login at the top (so keep track of your login info). Once you've logged in, click new post (at the top) to add a blog post in the middle section here, or click the little hammer and screwdriver next to any section you want to edit. |