but he got past that.
October 18th, 2009, Happy Birthday Owen! We spent the day at the Zoo with perfect weather! KK & her kids came over for cake later. At 1 year old, Owen can point at things; he can say "bye" (says it like a little southern boy), "g'ma" (grandma), "mama", "dada", "buba" or "Gav"(Gavin), "no-no-no", "uh-oh", "go" (the dog), and meow at the cats. He started walking 10/13, likes music, carries toys around in his mouth like a dog, and has the most special relationship with his big brother. He loves anything in the sky--planes, helicopters, birds, stars, the moon. We are so blessed! :)
November 19th, 2009, Happy Birthday Dad! A month has gone by and Owen is growing and changing everyday. Gavin is doing fantastic! Dan is back to managing the pizza place and I am back at the toy store, this time as co-manager. It seems my life is going a little in reverse... unfortunately not far enough to have you here.
I am mentally sitting at the dining room table at the old house looking at the birds on the feeder on the deck. Dad is in his usual spot at the end of the table by the china cabinet. Barbara is cooking and talking with Deana. Some of the family is out hiking. Gavin wants to play a game on Dad's computer but decides to shoot bow&arrows with Kiote instead. And as Dad goes over the rules with them again, I stare at him wondering if he has any idea how much I love him...and oddly enough I don't have anything to say.