Thursday, March 18, 2010

This blog

I know we haven't been using this blog as much lately, but that is OK. I do want to mention that the blog is open to anyone to read -- unless we change it to require each person to log in before reading it. Any preferences? I don't mind it being open -- just don't write anything you wouldn't want anyone to know (send an email instead). Because we've been getting spam comments in Chinese, I did change the permissions for comments to readers only. You may now have to log in to leave a comment.

Hope everyone is well! I am getting along ok. I talk to Jeff every morning before school over skype, and am managing to stay very busy. It's not as easy as I thought it would be to transition back to coming home to an empty house, but I'm sure that soon I'll get into a routine and before I know it, it will be time to go. Mom and I will drive to Denver around the 18th I think, and I'll leave for London on the 3rd June.

We had a couple of days in the 50s and then a record-breaker above 60(!), so spring is in the air! There's a strange phenomenon this year: snow mold. White stringy patches spot the dead grass in people's yards. Ick. Too much snoe too fast didn't allow decay to happen properly I guess?

Oh -- you have GOT to watch this video if you haven't already. It is amazing. One long take: OK Go: This Too Shall Pass

Friday, December 4, 2009

When does it end?

Wednesday I took the Jeep in for new tires. They called and said it needed new brakes all around. OK. I knew my brakes were going. They called again and said it needed new front rotors. Fine. I am now safe to the tune of $1000. (That's after new tie rods and CV joints for $1200 a few months back.)
Wednesday evening and Thursday morning Denali acted weird when I walked her. She would start limping, favoring different feet, and a couple times refused to walk through the frozen snow. I guess it's REALLY cold out. Then Thursday afternoon Cody called me when he got home from school and said Denali tried to dig her way out the front door of the apartment. There is damage to the carpet and carpet pad; there is a one foot long hole in the wall next to the door; and the trim on one side of door came off.
That same afternoon, I was driving to pick up Tara from school and got in an accident. I am fine, but the Jeep is in the shop with a busted up bumper, and I am driving a rental car - a red pick-up truck to be exact (the only fun thing in this whole ordeal). The tow and the rental car were covered under my insurance, but I have a $500 deductible for the repairs.
This morning I found half of Tara's fish dead and do not know why. Then when I was leaving to catch a ride with the tow truck, I heard Denali scratching at the front door again. I quickly placed a chair in front of the door to deter her. Before I made it out the downstairs door, she started barking. Who knows how long that lasted? When I got home this evening (after waiting a half-hour for my counselor who never showed up), the chair was tipped over and the carpet was pulled back again, but there was no carpet pad mess, and the hole wasn't noticeably bigger. Now she is constantly whiny. When I say "show me" she goes to the bone cupboard, but I've already given her some. Maybe she has cabin fever and wants to go for a ride. We haven't been to the dog park since Saturday and PetSmart since last week.
So I don't even know what to write in closing. I think I'm more stressed over Denali than the accident/Jeep. Of course, my financial situation seems to get more and more stressful, too. I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but I'm not seeing it tonight.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Owen's First Birthday

The cake was a little intimidating at first...
but he got past that.

October 18th, 2009, Happy Birthday Owen! We spent the day at the Zoo with perfect weather! KK & her kids came over for cake later. At 1 year old, Owen can point at things; he can say "bye" (says it like a little southern boy), "g'ma" (grandma), "mama", "dada", "buba" or "Gav"(Gavin), "no-no-no", "uh-oh", "go" (the dog), and meow at the cats. He started walking 10/13, likes music, carries toys around in his mouth like a dog, and has the most special relationship with his big brother. He loves anything in the sky--planes, helicopters, birds, stars, the moon. We are so blessed! :)

November 19th, 2009, Happy Birthday Dad! A month has gone by and Owen is growing and changing everyday. Gavin is doing fantastic! Dan is back to managing the pizza place and I am back at the toy store, this time as co-manager. It seems my life is going a little in reverse... unfortunately not far enough to have you here.

I am mentally sitting at the dining room table at the old house looking at the birds on the feeder on the deck. Dad is in his usual spot at the end of the table by the china cabinet. Barbara is cooking and talking with Deana. Some of the family is out hiking. Gavin wants to play a game on Dad's computer but decides to shoot bow&arrows with Kiote instead. And as Dad goes over the rules with them again, I stare at him wondering if he has any idea how much I love him...and oddly enough I don't have anything to say.

Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday Dear Da-ad. Happy Birthday to You.

I miss you sooo much. I love you! Wish you were here.

Monday, November 16, 2009

"Free at last!"

I think I said that quote when Tara started kindergarten. This time it involves my "third child". In other words, my divorce became final on 11-10-09. I can officially say I am a free woman, a single mom, a very happy person. I am also Deana Mueller again. : )

Monday, November 2, 2009

Almost done...

I signed the settlement agreement today - just waiting on Craig's signature. I'm almost a free woman! : )
Ed, Dad, Jeep says...

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